Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Hi mom and dad,
Here are a couple of pictures of me. One is me in my oh so cushy bed here. I sleep right next to Susan for some of the night, and then on her head for the rest. I hide in the mornings so that guy who lives here won't make me walk with him and Uben. I mostly just hide in bed with Susan and that seems to be working pretty well for me. I don't like to walk without her.

The second picture is just me hangin' out. Uben is next to me chewing on a bone, and I'm relaxing until he turns away and them my plan is to steal it from him. He's a nice guy and lets me have what I want. I love to steal from him. He was really fun to play with today. He is my friend.

Today I tried to get up close and personal with a cow. Susan got all excited but I was not gonna bite the cow or anything. Then I think you heard I went hunting for mice...everywhere. Uben and I dug together some, and then I dug half way to China on my own. Never did find that mouse, but I really made a big effort. Life in the country is very fun, and I never knew there was so much to do in the world!

I miss you but mostly I'm keeping very busy.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Dear mom and dad,
I had so much fun today that I don't know where to start. That girl who lives here went away for an hour, and when she came back I made it clear to her that I was THRILLED, TURBO THRILLED that she was here. I danced, ran all over the furniture, did cool balancing name it I did it. I played with Uben some today and we ran all over the yard. Then we went for a walk in the fields. Thankfully the cows were not there today because they kind of worried me last week...I only come up to their ankles so I stayed as far away from them as I could. That little dog who is in heat was also not around today, so I just ran around with Uben in the fields. I'm having a great time and that girl says she likes it that she can see my eyes now. She likes my haircut and said that it was a nice cut because you can hardly tell that I've been to the beauty parlor, yet I'm just not too bushy on top anymore.
I can't wait to see you on Wednesday, but have fun without me and no need to rush home if you are out because everything with me is under control.
P.S. Thanks for writing to me. Susan read me your note.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Pico aka Poodleman aka Peekiepants aka Punkypoodle

Hi mom and dad (oops!),
I'm glad you found this place because it is fun here. I'm sticking close to Susan at all times because she is a girl and reminds me of you. I like the Uben guy who is here too. He wants to play with me constantly, but sometimes I am too busy following Susan around. He seems to understand that I have other stuff to do.
Don't worry about me because I am fine, I'm takin' it easy, but it is also nice to have a person to follow around all day.
Love, Pico

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Pinny Pin Pin

Well I've just about decided that Susan and Bernd are my grandparents and Uben is my young cousin or something. Things are fine as usual. I've been my normal good self. Everyone loves me and I've been swimming a few times. Susan and Bernd say that I stink a little bit and have been talking about making me get in the shower before you come home. I'm not so sure about this and I hope they are kidding. I hear you will be home in a couple of days and I can't wait to see you mom. I'm just hoping you decided to leave that baby person back in California. Ok not really but if you did I will adjust to being the baby again with no problem.
Love you


Hi mom,
Well all I know to tell you is that I've been busy busy busy busy busy while here. I have been running around like a madman, have been jumping through the fields on our walks, played a little with Winnie, and have barked my head off. I've had a great time as usual. I'm sticking with Susan at all times when I'm not otherwise busy busy. I missed you for 5 minutes when you left but then I remembered that it is also fun to be here so I've made the most of my weekend. Can't wait to see you.


Hi mom and dad,
They say that I've been a really good girl while I've been here. I have cooperated with everything, gone walking twice a day, and have played a little with the younger dogs. I have been getting along well with others, except that guy Milou tried to do you know what with me and I had to growl at him, but otherwise we have all gotten along just fine. I like it here but I'll be happy to go home too.

Living room hunting

I just figured out how to hunt from the comfort of my very own living room. Sometimes dad even brings me a pillow for my chin.